
(3 votes)


by Pascal Salaun
Bm-stats is a statistics module focused messaging

(2 votes)

Active Directory synchronisation

by BlueMind
User import and authentication with AD

(2 votes)

Outlook Connector

by BlueMind
Offers calendar and contacts synchronization with Outllook 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

(2 votes)

Emo: Essential Mail Only

by Essential Only
Emo reduces email overload for overworked managers

(2 votes)

Odoo connector

by Sudokeys
Contacts and calendars synchronisation between Odoo and BlueMind

(1 vote)

Replace Microsoft Smiley "J" by ":-)"

by Anasta
Automatic replacement of Microsoft-specific smilies

(1 vote)

Password bruteforce

by BlueMind
A tool to prevent bruteforce attacks

(1 vote)

lock Domino migration

by BlueMind
Allows to import contacts and mails from IBM Domino Lotus into BlueMind

(1 vote)

lock Exchange Migration Tool

by BlueMind
Migrate users and their data from Exchange to BlueMind

(1 vote)

LDAP import

by BlueMind
Makes BlueMind able to import LDAP users and groups