A tool to prevent bruteforce attacks
Release date: Sept. 12, 2014
BlueMind target version: >= 3.0.12
If you need this add-on for a different BlueMind target version, check the other add-on
versions in the right side column. You may also contact the add-on author to ask for support for
a given target version.
Prevents bruteforce attacks by disabling authentication for an user when too many password attempt failures are seen within a short range of time.
This plugin disables authentication for an user if :
The user account is then locked for 20 seconds after the last authentication attempt.
Initial commit.
aptitude install bm-plugin-core-password-bruteforce
yum install bm-plugin-core-password-bruteforce
Once installed, restart BlueMind :
bmctl restart
Author: BlueMind
Other available versions for this add-on: